Anti-Glycophorin A M antigen (M2A1)

Anti-Glycophorin A M antigen [M2A1], Recombinant, Fab fragment kappa, Human
500 μg
Absolute Antibody

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CloneID: M2A1

Heavy Chain modification: His-Tagged

Antigen Long Description: M2A1 was prepared by immunzing BALB/c mice with human red blood cells of the M phenotype, and was screened by testing for anti-M activity.

Buffer Composition: PBS only.

Chimeric Use Statement: This chimeric human antibody was made using the variable domain sequences of the original Mouse IgG1 format, for improved compatibility with existing reagents, assays and techniques.

Uniprot Accession No.: P02724

Specificity Statement: M2A1 binds specifically to the M antigen on human erythrocytes, and shows no reactivity to N antigen. The epitope for this antibody includes the amino-terminal serine residue and sialic acid residues of glycophorin A. The reactivity of M2A1 for M antigen is pH- and salt-dependent (optimum ~ pH8-9). Blood group antigen M is located on the major sialoglycoprotein (glycophorin A) of red blood cells.

Application Notes (Clone): M2A1 can bind to M antigen of glycophorin A and can be used in ELISAs, immunoblots and modified M glycoprotein can be used for inhibition tests.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer ABAAb00789-10.6-BT
Hersteller Absolute Antibody
Hersteller Artikelnummer Ab00789-10.6-BT
Verpackungseinheit 500 μg
Mengeneinheit STK
Reaktivität Human
Klonalität Recombinant
Methode ELISA, Immunoblotting, Inhibition Assay
Isotyp Fab fragment kappa
Wirt Human
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