Anti-GM2 ganglioside (L55-81)

Anti-GM2 ganglioside [L55-81], Recombinant, IgM kappa, Human
500 μg
Absolute Antibody

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CloneID: L55-81

Antigen Long Description: L55-81 was prepared by isolating EBV-immortalized peripheral blood B lymphocytes from a human donor with melanoma.

Origin Pub PMID: 9601948

Buffer Composition: PBS only.

Specificity Statement: L55-81 binds specifically to GM2 ganglioside; this antibody shows no reactivity towards GM1, GM3, GD2 or normal tissues- the L55-81 epitope contains both a GalNAc and sialic acid bound to lactose. Ganglioside GM2 (GalNAcβ1-4(NeuNAcα2-3)Galβ1-4Glcβ-1ceramide) is a glycosphingolipid present on the cell surface and a major tumor-differentiation antigen in human melanoma and hepatoma.

Application Notes (Clone): L55-81 reacts positively to melanoma cell lines with high GM2 expression (M14; M24), and shows no binding to normal cell types or cell lines M15 or M25 which have low GM2 expression and high GM3 expression. This specificity can be confirmed by ELISA and TLC immunostaining by testing a variety of gangliosides and neutral glycolipids. L55-81 is able to lyse cells from the M14 melanoma cell line (which has high GM2 expression) in the presence of human or rabbit complement, but not in the absence of complement - this was shown by a [51Cr] release assay. Biotinylated L55-81 has been used for IHC of acetone-fixed sections of tumor tissue in an avidin-biotin complex immunoperoxidase system. Statistically significant positive staining (determined by Fisher's exact test) was displayed with melanoma, colon carcinoma and ovary carcinoma tumor tissues. Staining has also be observed with breast carcinoma, prostate carcinoma and kidney carcinoma.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer ABAAb00786-15.0-BT
Hersteller Absolute Antibody
Hersteller Artikelnummer Ab00786-15.0-BT
Verpackungseinheit 500 μg
Mengeneinheit STK
Reaktivität Human
Klonalität Recombinant
Methode ELISA, Immunohistochemistry
Isotyp IgM kappa
Wirt Human
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