CloneID: GD01
Antigen Long Description: The original antibody was generated by immunizing BALB/c mice with inactivated-virus-infected BALB/c suckling mouse brain emulsion.
Buffer Composition: PBS only.
Chimeric Use Statement: This chimeric rabbit antibody was made using the variable domain sequences of the original Mouse IgG format, for improved compatibility with existing reagents, assays and techniques.
Uniprot Accession No.: P26313
Specificity Statement: This antibody is specific for the GP1 subunit of the JUNV surface envelope glycoprotein GPC.
Application Notes (Clone): The original version of this antibody (mouse IgG2a) successfully bound Junin virus (XJ45 strain) GP1 in an ELISA. This antibody was used for the indirect immunofluorescent staining of Junin virus-infected Vero cells. This antibody reacted with Junin GP1 in immunoprecipitation and western blot. This antibody successfully neutralized the Junin virus in an in vitro assay (Sanchez et al., 1989; PMID: 2471803). The GP1-bound Fab version of this antibody was crystallized, and its structure was determined. This antibody neutralized the active form of JUNV by disrupting the interaction between GP1 and TfR1. A competition assay showed that IgGs from survivors of AHF did not compete with this antibody (Mahmutovic et al., 2015; PMID: 26651946). This antibody exhibited potent neutralization of the Candid #1 JUNV strain in a plaque neutralization assay (Zeitlin et al., 2016; PMID: 27044104).