Anti-MSP2 (6D8)

Anti-MSP2 [6D8], Recombinant, IgG kappa, Rabbit
1 mg
Absolute Antibody

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CloneID: 6D8

Antigen Long Description: The 6D8 hybridoma cell line was generated from the fusion of Sp2/0 myeloma cells with spleen cells derived from female CBA mice immunized with polymeric recombinant 3D7 MSP2 (Ag1642) . The hybridoma was selected for its ability to bind monomeric and polymeric Ag1642 (3D7 & FC27) by ELISA.

Buffer Composition: PBS only.

Chimeric Use Statement: This chimeric rabbit antibody was made using the variable domain sequences of the original Mouse IgG1 format, for improved compatibility with existing reagents, assays and techniques.

Uniprot Accession No.: Q1WG90

Specificity Statement: 6D8 reacts with both 3D7 and FC27 recombinant MSP2, and preferentially with monomeric MSP2. The antibody binds to an epitope found at the conserved N-terminal region consisting of the sequence FINNAYNMSIRRS (aa 11-23) - the binding affinity for this sequence is 6 nM. MSP2 is a highly expressed and intrinsically disordered GPI-anchored membrane protein which is categorized into 2 allelic families/polymorphisms: 3D7 and FC27.

Application Notes (Clone): 6D8 reacts strongly and equivalently with both 3D7 and FC27 recombinant MSP2 by ELISA. 6D8 gives weak and no IFA signal on the parasite (i.e. not recombinant) FC27 and 3D7 MSP2 respectively, due to its inaccessibility on the merozoite surface. 6D8 can be used to detect recombinant FC27 and 3D7 MSP2 which has been subjected to SDS-PAGE under non-reducing conditions. Parasite FC27 MSP reactivity with 6D8 is enhanced in western blots when carried out in reducing conditions. 6D8 can be used to detect MSP2 by immunofluorescence.
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer ABAAb00804-23.0-BT
Hersteller Absolute Antibody
Hersteller Artikelnummer Ab00804-23.0-BT
Verpackungseinheit 1 mg
Mengeneinheit STK
Reaktivität Various species
Klonalität Recombinant
Methode Immunofluorescence, Western Blotting, ELISA
Isotyp IgG kappa
Wirt Rabbit
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