Anti-ss/dsDNA (A52)

Anti-ss/dsDNA [A52], Recombinant, IgE kappa, Human
500 μg
Absolute Antibody

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CloneID: A52

Antigen Long Description: A52 mAb was isolated by producing a hybridoma cell line using spleen cells derived from female unimmunized inbred, autoimmune NZB/NZW F1 mice, which serve as a model for human SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus).

Buffer Composition: PBS only.

Chimeric Use Statement: This chimeric human antibody was made using the variable domain sequences of the original Mouse IgG2b format, for improved compatibility with existing reagents, assays and techniques.

Specificity Statement: A52 binds to both single- and double-stranded DNA (preference for the single-stranded conformation) as well as supercoiled DNA - has a preference for poly(dG) sequences. Poly(dA), poly(dC), poly(rG) and 23S rRNA do not bind to A52. Micelles of cardiolipin (structural analog of the sugar-phosphate backbone of nucleic acids) was shown to be non-inhibitory by ELISA. Both the sugar-phosphate backbone and the heterocyclic bases of DNA are required for antibody recognition. Anti-nucleic acid autoantibodies are found frequently in SLE patients as well as in mice strains such as NZB/NZW.

Application Notes (Clone): Binding and specificity studies have been conducted with A52 by RIA and ELISA, using phage φχ 174 DNA, which provides ssDNA and dsDNA of identical sequence, and competition assays were performed using synthetic polynucleotides. The A52 Fab fragment used for sttructural studies was generated by digestion with papain. (PMID: 24449198)
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer ABAAb00781-14.0-BT
Hersteller Absolute Antibody
Hersteller Artikelnummer Ab00781-14.0-BT
Verpackungseinheit 500 μg
Mengeneinheit STK
Reaktivität Various species
Klonalität Recombinant
Methode ELISA, Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
Isotyp IgE kappa
Wirt Human
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