Anti-Thrombopoietin (TN1 )

Anti-Thrombopoietin [TN1 ], Recombinant, IgG1 kappa, Human
1 mg
Absolute Antibody

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CloneID: TN1

Heavy Chain modification: Fc Silent™

Antigen Long Description: TN1 was prepared by immunizing BALB/c mice by intraperitoneal injecction of recombinant human TPO. The Fab fragment was produced via incubation with papain which cleaves at the hinge region of the IgG to remove the Fc region. The product is then subsequently incubated under reducing conditions and the free Cys residue blocked with iodoacetamide.

Buffer Composition: PBS only.

Chimeric Use Statement: This chimeric human antibody was made using the variable domain sequences of the original Mouse IgG1 format, for improved compatibility with existing reagents, assays and techniques.

Uniprot Accession No.: P40225

Specificity Statement: TN1 binds specifically to TPO at an epitope which consists of residues from the C-terminal end of helix C (R98) and the C–D crossover loop (residues 102–115) and residues from the C-terminal half of helix B (residues 57–61) (PMID: 14769915). TPO is a heavily glycosylated cytokine which acts as the ligand for the hematopoietic receptor c-Mpl. The primary role of TPO is as a regulator of megakaryocytopoiesis and platelet production. Stimulated c-Mpl transduces signals into target cells via the JAK/STAT, Ras and MAPK pathways.

Application Notes (Clone): TN1 can neutralize the biological activity of TPO and can be used to detect TPO in ELISA studies. The Fab fragement of TN1 can also be used to aid the crystallisation of TPO by increasing the area upon which stable crystal contacts can be made (PMID: 11976502).
Mehr Informationen
Artikelnummer ABAAb00746-10.3-BT
Hersteller Absolute Antibody
Hersteller Artikelnummer Ab00746-10.3-BT
Verpackungseinheit 1 mg
Mengeneinheit STK
Reaktivität Human
Klonalität Recombinant
Methode ELISA, Neutralization
Isotyp IgG1 kappa
Wirt Human
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