Quick-Dip Differential Stain Kit, CE-IVD

Quick-Dip Differential Stain Kit, CE-IVD
500 ml
ScyTek Laboratories

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Information: The Quick-Dip Differential Stain Kit provides three reagents for rapid staining of blood smears. Methanol is used to quickly fix smears, followed by differential staining with buffered xanthene and thiazine dyes.
Neutrophils: Violet nuclei with dark violet granules and pink cytoplasmic granules, Eosinophils: Violet nuclei with dark violet granules and bright red cytoplasmic granules, Erythrocytes: Pink to yellowish-red, Monocytes: Violet nuclei with light blue cytoplasm, Basophils: Violet nuclei with light blue cytoplasm, Lymphocytes: Violet nuclei with dark violet granules and light blue cytoplasm.
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Artikelnummer SCYQDK-1
Hersteller ScyTek Laboratories
Hersteller Artikelnummer QDK-1
Verpackungseinheit 500 ml
Mengeneinheit STK
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