E-Delivered WinKQCL 6 Software Package

E-Delivered WinKQCL 6 Software Package
Packaging Unit
1 piece

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Lonza WinKQCL Software is a fully integrated client-server software that is designed and developed specifically for the purpose of endotoxin testing. WinKQCL 6 Software includes the essential components to meet the latest data integrity requirements for metadata, searchable logs and audit trails, trending, fine grain user management, and archiving.
WinKQCL Software guides the user through the process of setting up a microplate template and running an assay to determine the amount of endotoxin in a sample solution. WinKQCL Software can be used with a compatible microplate reader to run the template and perform common endotoxin tests such as initial qualification, routine tests, inhibition/enhancement tests and an RSE/CSE test. The WinKQCL Software uses the run data to calculate the results for the sample solutions and their associated positive product controls. All data will be displayed in an easy to read, configurable report and can be electronically reviewed and signed. Since WinKQCL Software stores all template and test information in a single Microsoft® SQL Server® database, all sample data, including linked standard, accessory, reader, and user information, can be trended and recalled for review from any WinKQCL Software client.
In addition to endotoxin tests, WinKQCL Software allows reader-specific validation tests to be performed to ensure the instrument is operating properly. WinKQCL Software p/n 25-611E includes one “instrument” license and one “workgroup” license. Additional WinKQCL Software reader licenses must be purchased to connect more than one instrument (p/n 25-613E). Additional WinKQCL Software Workgroup licenses must be purchased for each additional workgroup configured on the central WinKQCL Software database within a company (p/n 25-612E). E-DELIVERY ONLY
More Information
SKU LON25-611E
Manufacturer Lonza
Manufacturer SKU 25-611E
Green Labware No
Package Unit 1 piece
Quantity Unit STK
Type Other Endotoxin
Product information (PDF)